Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Reading Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading Reflection - Assignment ExampleOne of the most important consequences of the globalization exercise has been the multi-cultural environment of the communities. It has therefore made the role of community development practitioner a highly lovable and essential one. Social workers are in addition paid employee and their work environment should also come nether the purview of ESA so they are not exploited in terms of operative environment or minimum wages or even due to any diversity issues.I am also highly distressed that OHSA is indifferent to the working conditions of servants who work in the private residents. People working as servants in the residences of rich are more vulnerable to physical, mental and financial exploitation. It is important that all types of working people who get paid should be protected by the states employment laws, irrespective of conditions, whatsoever. Indeed, as a social worker, my first priority would be fighting for the right fields of the servants who have a right to basic minimum wages and secured employment
The Impact of Financial Crisis on Honda Research Paper
The Impact of Financial Crisis on Honda - Research account ExampleThe descriptive method of research is adopted. Accordingly, Creswell (1994) stated that the descriptive method of research is to gather study about the present existing condition. The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging or interpreting. The object glass of descriptive research is to verify formulated hypotheses that refer to the present situation in order to get through it. For this study, the descriptive research method was employed in order to identify the impact of competence and sustainability in the automotive industry of Honda. This study looks at the success that Honda Corporation has had in managing social capital in its supply chain. Using self-report surveys from 120 participants at a Honda-sponsored supplier competition, researchers find that those people who participate in the quality-teams report that they are more satisfied with their work, feel that they rectifyd the effectiveness of th eir company, and continue to offer suggestions to improve their suppliers operations.Resources that are valuable especially human resources, rare, and crapper be exploited by the organization can produce sustained competitive advantage and earn above-average economic performance (Barney, 2001).A lot has been written about the value of people in organizations. Huselid and Becker (1997) found that a one standard deviation gain in an organizations human resources system could increase shareholder wealth by as much as $41,000 per employee. Barney (2001) contends that successfully managing relationships can be a source of resource-based competitive advantage. But the financial crisis has crept into the auto companies and umpteen of the giants like Honda and Toyota are facing the crisis with severe cuts in production, sales etc.Honda declared its shock breakup from Formula One of the global financial crisis, terminating an association which began in the 1960s. This has led to raising further fears everywhere the sports future (Source http//www.asiaone.com).Honda Motor president Takeo Fukui made the announcement at an emotional press conference, repeatedly apologizing to fans, staff, drivers and F1 authorities. He said 2008 is Hondas last season. The Japanese carmaker will not provide its engines to any other teams (Source http//www.asiaone.com).This is a complete withdrawal. The future is a blank sheet, he said. Five years from now, I think history will show we made the right decision (Source http//www.asiaone.com).
Monday, April 29, 2019
Researched Literary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Researched Literary Analysis - Essay ExampleThe traditional prissy pram conventions like pristine landscapes, innocent boys, loving parents, perfect mentors, and the security provided by an impeccable moral order had degenerated to the plight of some cheap and outdated joke. In contrast, the Banks narrative is enclothe in a comparatively macabre ambience where the teenagers play with guns and marijuana, little girls are exposed to inner abuse and pornography, death and violence always lurk in the background and everything ultimately seems to come cumulation to sex and m stary.Rule of the Bone appears to be a bloody spoof on the traditional theory of American Dream where the world order is defined by a burgeoning middle class whose pop idea of success hovers around cars, dish washers and the Sunday mass. Chappie, the protagonist in Rule of the Bone, if one could call him a protagonist in the true sense of the word fits nowhere in this internal world order. Infact the only way h e manages to infiltrate this sophisticated world is by breaking into a rich familys summer house, along with his friend Russ. However, the accompanying filth and grime that seems to be his helping soon come to settle around him even in such polished quarters. Banks nowhere in his novel makes a conscious or deliberate attempt to make his characters likeable or tries to tempt out the unguarded sympathy of his readers for his characters (Kakutani 2). The escapades of a teenager, who has problems with drugs, who puts in with violent bikers who love to bludgeon homosexuals, who breaks inductance happy during fits of rage and frustration will certainly not make a good sock time story. Yet, the irony is that Banks never intends his book to be just another bed time story. On the contrary, Rule of the Bone is a work of art that jolts the consciousness of its readers out of their cherished notions of what is acceptable
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Long-Term Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Long-Term Care - Essay ExampleIn this particular scenario, as the affect for services by the population increases, and when the reimbursement is available, the extendrs for services forget also increase. For a long time, Medicare and Medicaid were the almost fundamental buyers of long-term care services. However, with the introduction of Managed Care Organizations (MCO), the pressure and the competition has increased. MCOs have the option to choose which providers they will do business with since many of them do not cover long-term care. This directly increases the amount of providers sounding to provide the services, resulting in opening up the opportunity for competition between the providers (Pratt, 2010, p. 215). Our system allows competition payable to a firm belief that the customer will benefit from competition as better prime(prenominal) will be offered in order to gain more(prenominal) customers. Since the customers are also better inform due to higher education an d ability to compare services, their expectations are higher and they give their businesses to only those health care organizations that meet their needs. The health care facilities are also susceptible to pressure from payers and regulatory agencies to provide quality and cost-effective services. The providers that follow the requirements will be given incentives on top of their reimbursements. These institutions are the most favorable to increase their customer base, to have a solid financial relationship with managed care organizations (MCO), and with the federal and State agencies. 2. Explain, using examples, the differences between licensure and accreditation. The health care industry is highly regulated. It is natural for them to be so as they deal with life and death situations. It is not like other industries where mistakes can be find or losses can be repaid. With the health care industry, the mistakes cost lives and hence, they must be prevented at any cost. For that offer we have two types of external controls. integrity deals with governmental regulations, licensing of facilities and separates (public), and the other deals with voluntary accreditation and certifications (private) (Study Notes, p. 6). One of the most important differences between public and private agencies is that public agencies have a dual innovationto control both quality and costswhile the private organizations have a single purposeto measure, evaluate, and ensure the quality of care (Pratt, 2010, p. 258). Another difference is that the government programs seek to ensure a stripped level of quality or competency, while the private organization set standards that measure and ensure more of an optimum level (Pratt, 2010, p.p. 258-259). Licensure is provided by the State and it is basically a permission to a qualified individual or entity to perform certain specified activities that would be illegal without a license (Pozgar, 2006, p.273). For example, in the health care industry we find practitioners like Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Physicians (MD), Registered Dietician (RD), Licensed Physical healer (PT), and many others who, in order to practice their profession, need a license from the State. The exam for
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Managing diversity gender (HRM) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing diversity gender (HRM) - Essay ExampleInstead, it should be understood for the companys growth and psychoanalyse in terms of manage custodyt and productivity.It is a common knowledge that every human being is innate(p) unique from one another. But sometimes, there are common attitude that people share. Most men projects authority over the other gender is an example. There are certain business organizations, such as technical and industrial companies, that men are the usual individual to have an executive position or even the job itself . This group believes that it is odd to have women working in these fields. Because of this, said industries are having difficulties in keeping and hiring female workers (Weiss n.d.).In his article, Managing Gender Diversity Five Secrets for a Managers Toolkit, Weiss cited a research study by Louann Brizendine on how men and women faces the environment they are working on. According to Brizendine, men and women react hence based on how thei r brain processes information, what their intuition is saying, how they feel, their intention in communicating and anger management. Womens brain works, first, by identifying the faces of the people around them while men are more on scanning their environment. This is the reason why women are more capable of sensing other peoples emotion than men. Most women also trust in their gut feeling than men.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Technology works on artworks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology deeds on artworks - Research Paper ExampleThis essay seeks to shed light on some of the artworks do by Andison, an creative person of Canadian origin. Through these, together with the themes therein, it will be discovered that text, as a form of art, is not exactly or entirely what Plato Socrates made it look like.Art as we totally know is a ready of creative representation of thoughts and ideas either in form of text or images, with the intention of communicating something to the viewers. According to Platos Socrates, art is inhuman, artificial and very much away from ingenuousness art. This includes text. On the other hand when we study the works of Andison, its essay to counter the theory of Plato. It is show the flexibility and how human and real art is. Basing our arguments on the contrast brought out by Andison about the spirit of Plato, we can have opposite opinions as well about the reality of art. It is so clear from an artist point of view that what mat ters the most is how the work of art is interpreted considering each detail of the information effrontery either through texts or any other artistic work.In the heartbreak scrabble game, Andison is trying to bring out the fact that art is flexible contrary to Plato who thinks that any written word or piece text is rigid. It is showing how one can derive many words from the word heartbreak. By skid the tiles of this scrabble we see the freedom which comes along with art inform of a text. She is also employ a text to prove that text is not dead, this is shown by how imaginary one becomes on sliding the tiles of the scrabble. This means that a single text can grow. This is also clearly brought out by the piece showing a woman in a flower garden. It is through this that we can derive different meanings and of what the artist is communicating. It brings different imaginations and different feelings on viewing it.From the word game, heartbreaking, it can also be seen that art is human, contrary to
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